November 15, 2018

The Glorious Comeback of the Gap Year (Thank You, Malia Obama)

ADDitude magazine is an online and print publication dedicated to the health and well being of young people with ADHD and related mental conditions as their logo title, "Inside the ADHD Mind" makes us aware.

This article written for the benefit of the parents of the teens they serve focuses on the benefits of a Gap Year. It advises them that, "The concept of a gap year makes perfect sense: Your stressed-out teen with ADHD takes a year off to mature, gain independence, build skills, and find direction before entering college or starting a career."

We at Interim realize that many students are feeling the pressures of growing up and going forward. And we believe that a Gap Year can be truly beneficial.

Read the article, and note that these advisers recommend Holly Bull, president of the Center for Interim Programs, as "the preeminent expert..."

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