This section focuses on potential career breaks or post-career experiences that have focus, purpose, and meaning. We see "gap year" as a term, not an actual time frame: your mid- and post-career gap time can range from as little as a week to a year or more. At Interim, we are committed to helping you get from curious to informed and from there to being comfortably at ease with the process of engaging in rewarding, adult, gap year experiences.
The benefits of a gap year are numerous and vary by individual and by circumstances. Getting inspired, motivated, challenged, and feeling needed and appreciated, are definitely among these benefits. From looking more deeply into yourself and developing your interests, to getting a broader view of the world, a gap year can help you to grow in a way that best suits you. Examine some of the most frequently presented motives that trigger a desire for a mid-career break or post-career gap year as well as some of the most commonly realized personal rewards in our
Mid and Post Career Benefits section.
Sample Programs and
Sample Scenarios offer examples of the "What" and "Where" of your actual gap experiences. Review these to see just how broad the opportunities are. Additionally, reading how your mid- and post-career peers viewed their gap time may reinforce your aspirations and open up new possibilities you may not have considered. See their
Cost, time, and obligations are important issues that come to adults' minds when considering a gap year. We work closely with you, the professional or retired professional, to discover what you, and oftentimes your family, can afford to spend before recommending programs. We help you pinpoint interests, select placements, as well as advise you on how best to prepare for your travel. While having no or few commitments is the ideal position to be in when considering gap time, there are ways to overcome what may at first seem like insurmountable obstacles. You are not alone in your